Simply Navigate Your Data
with Metamarkets

Be the Smartest Person In the Room

Visualize Your Data
View dimensional level data through interactive visualizations that deliver the insights needed to make decisions faster.

Ask Specific Questions
Zoom effortlessly from top-line business metrics to more granular data points within specific accounts and campaigns.

Get Instant Answers
Determine in real‐time what’s trending, what can be optimized, or what’s broken. Query your data in seconds, not hours.
Explore is Mission Control for Your Programmatic Data
We make it easy for everyone in your organization to become a data scientist through a simple, powerful interface.
Proactive Alerts LEARN MORE
Be notified of the important things that need your attention. Want to be notified if impression delivery rate has dropped by 40% over the last hour? We got you covered.
Interactive Filtering LEARN MORE
Narrow in on any part of your business instantly to identify new opportunities. Drill into a specific campaign’s bid success by device type, user age, and location within seconds.
Comparison Metrics LEARN MORE
Visually compare key metrics to identify trends in your analytics over a specified time frame. Compare this week's campaign spend with last week's or last month's.
Multi Dimensional Analysis LEARN MORE
Your real-time pivot table for programmatic data. Drill down into specific cross-sections of your data to quickly analyze multiple data dimensions and make faster decisions.

Built on a Platform Created for Real-Time Speed at Massive Scale, Processing Billions of Programmatic Events Daily
Marketplace Monitor
Get real-time and transparent insights into the behavior of all transactions occurring within your exchange, building trust between partners and driving towards increased revenue goals.