Sharing Data With Your Team Members Through Scheduled Reports
June 20th, 2017 Ryan Floersch

As the top interactive analytics tool for programmatic marketers, Metamarkets Explore not only lets users dive deep into their granular-level data – it also helps users better collaborate and share data with others. We have previously discussed how many companies choose to extend their dashboards to their partners and customers to provide better transparency into their businesses, as well as how some companies utilize the Metamarkets API to pull data into their own applications and systems. But what about colleagues within your organization who don’t have daily access to Metamarkets Explore and might benefit from the insights provided by your data?
Scheduling a report is a great way to keep your team members in the loop with information that will help them do their jobs more effectively without requiring them to sign in and dive into your data at a granular level. For example, most sales and account management teams could benefit from a weekly summary that highlights their top publishers by overall revenue and auctions or top campaigns by overall spend and impression volume. For management, a quarterly report of top line revenue metrics sorted by top accounts could be the information they need for their QBR meetings on a regular basis.
For any metrics and dimensions you can think of that have value to members of your team, Metamarkets Explore can automatically generate reports to those users so you don’t have to continue to answer the same emails every few weeks.
Here’s How It Works
Let’s say, for example, you want to schedule a weekly report to your account management team highlighting top campaigns by overall spend for the week. Within Explore, I’ll set my metric to “Total Spend” and then expand my “Campaign ID” dimension set.
Next, click on the “Schedule” button to schedule your report. When the pop-up window appears you will need to name your report, select how often you want the report delivered, select a recurring delivery date, and then add in who on your team should receive this report.
Team members who have been added to receive the report will receive a summary email in their inbox.